
Or more accurately, “essays etc.” Here you will find a selection of essays, reviews, features, feuilletons and the occasional experimental piece. You can also find archives for specific publications herehere and here.

Nas asas do tédio

Especial Para a Folha Berlim hoje é celebrada por sua posição de vanguarda na cultura e na música, pelo design e pela arte vibrantes, e também como um ponto de encontro brusco

Paradise, Texas

In Paradise: A Pilgrimage in Seven Stages I How to reach Paradise? This question has plagued mankind for millennia. In fact, the ancients largely despaired of entering heaven, whic

A Government Commission

AUSTIN (Texas), June 16 (Daniel Kalder for RIA Novosti) – In the early 1990s Russia was awash with mystics, fortune tellers and messiahs as the collapse of the Soviet Union had o

Poland Diary

Monday 3rd November I did not know that I was famous when I arrived in Poland, and as I spent the first couple of days probing the remote borderlands and discussing John Denver in

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